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Cambridge Tree Locator: Pa-Po

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Parrotia persica  (Persian Ironwood) A small tree in Corpus Christi grounds on the SW corner of the junction of Benet Street and Free School Lanel [map]; a larger tree on the main lawn in front of Cherry Hinton Hall [map]; another in the grounds of the old Milton Road School beside Gilbert Road [map]
Paulownia tomentosa  (Foxglove Tree) Emmanuel College North Court has a fine tree just visible from Emmanuel Street [map]
Picea abies  (Norway Spruce)NoCommon: a fair-size tree just downhill a few yards on the outside of the bend in Mount Pleasant [map]; another by the E corner of Alexandra Gardens
Picea omorika  (Serbian Spruce) In a few gardens; a medium-sized tree towards the SE side of the main lawn at Cherry Hinton Hall [map]
Picea pungens  (Blue Colorado Spruce) Fairly common in gardens: there is a fairly large one about halfway down the W side of the W section of Storey's Way [map]
Pinus nigra  (Austrian/Corsican Pine)AP CPMill Road Cemetery has several fine Austrian Pines (ssp.nigra), and also probably a Corsican Pine (ssp.laricio) towards the NE corner of the main part of the cemetery
Pinus pinaster  (Maritime Pine)MarA fine tree near the NE corner of the main part of Mill Road Cemetery
Pinus radiata  (Monterey Pine) Several beside the ramp up to the Carter Cycle Bridge in Devonshire Road [map]
Pinus sylvestris  (Scots Pine) Not nearly as common as P.nigra in Cambridge: there are two on the E side of Grange Road, 150m N of Barton Road [map]; also one on the NW corner of Fisher Street and Hilda Street [map]
Pinus wallichiana  (Bhutan Pine) Small trees are fairly common in gardens; there are a few medium-sized trees in front of Orwell House near the junction of Cowley Road with Milton Road [map]. There is a fine mature specimen in the churchyard of Great Shelford Church [map]
Pittosporum tenuifolium  (Kohuhu)PAlong the side of Westcott House Chapel beside Jesus Lane [map]
Platanus x hispanica  (London Plane)PEverywhere: a particularly fine avenue runs across Jesus Green
Platanus orientalis  (Oriental Plane)OPA huge tree hangs over the wall of Emmanuel College opposite the Drummer Street coach stops near Christ's Pieces; a tall specimen planted in 1802 can be seen in Jesus College on the left from the entrance to "The Chimney" [map]; a young sapling of ‘Digitata’ on Midsummer Common near the Four Lamps roundabout
Platycladus orientalis  (Oriental Thuja)OT OTETwo in Mill Road Cemetery, and one in Histon Road Cemetery with an ‘Elegantissima’ nearby
Populus ‘Balsam Spire’  (Balsam Spire Poplar)BaThe moribund tree behind the Garden House Hotel on Coe Fen is probably one; there may be other young trees along the boundary ditch between Coe Fen and the hotel
Populus alba  (White Poplar) Seldom planted so not common within the city, but highly conspicuous: there is one in the woodland opposite Riverside [map]; also on Stourbridge Common 100m S of the rail footbridge [map]; and several beside the cycle path near the NE corner of Fulbourn Tesco [map]; there are two of the fastigiate Bolle's Poplar (‘Pyramidalis’) towards the W corner of the recreation ground behind Nuns Way [map]
Populus x canadensis  (Hybrid Black Poplar)BPThree severely-lopped trees near Cutter Ferry Footbridge on Midsummer Common; a large tree at the N end of Sheep's Green
Populus canescens  (Grey Poplar) Fairly frequent, but sometimes hard to differentiate confidently from White Poplar: one just SE of the pedestrian underpass under Northfield Road [map]; a long line of them along the old railway line S of the Trumpington/Addenbrookes footpath [map]
Populus nigra  (Wild Black Poplar)LoType trees (ssp.betulifolia) are rare: there are three very tall ones in a (private) field in Fen Ditton [map], visible from the end of the Cambridge footpath or from across the river; there are also two young trees on the recreation ground bordering on Nuns Way [map]. Far more common is the fastigiate Lombardy Poplar (‘Italica’), with many mature trees on both the north and south parts of Sheep's Green
Populus tremula  (Aspen) A clump in Histon Road Recreation Ground, about 50m NW of the Histon Road entrance [map]; there is a small fastigiate ‘Erecta’ in the garden of St Catherine's Masters Lodge beside Queens' Lane [map]

















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