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Cambridge Tree Maps

These sketch maps, mainly of the public open spaces near the centre of Cambridge, indicate the locations of nearly 2000 trees of about 150 different species (as of Summer 2007).  Cambridge Commons & Public Spaces  has some interesting information about many of these sites.

Note: the 2007-8 felling season was unusually severe and saw the loss of twenty or more trees marked on these maps, including the fine Chinese Wingnut that formerly graced Christ's Pieces.

Click here to download A4 printable versions of all eleven maps with species abbreviation key (zipped PDF files, 381kb) or click on a link below to view online:

Keya list of all the abbreviations used to indicate tree species and cultivars on the maps
Cambridge City Centrea mixed bag, some small, some large, mainly in churchyards, plus along the borders of some colleges
Christ's Piecesavenues of limes, and a wide range of other trees of all ages
Parker's Piecehalf-a-dozen species of limes around the periphery and on adjoining Petersfield
Mill Road Cemeterya superb variety of trees of all ages in a peaceful, semi-wild setting
Sheep's Green (N)typical riverine trees with some fine Lombardy Poplar
Sheep's Green (S)more riverine trees with some particularly fine White Willow
Lammas Landa very wide variety of trees, including many recent plantings
Jesus Greena magnificent avenue of London Plane, an avenue of Bird Cherry, some fine mature Horse Chestnuts, and a variety of other trees of all ages
Midsummer Commontypical riverine trees, some more Horse Chestnuts and some fine mature specimen trees, including Huntingdon Elm and Silver Pendent Lime
Alexandra Gardensan interesting selection including a Tibetan Cherry and a Great White Cherry
Histon Road Cemeterya formal cemetery with some fine Holm Oak


Copyright © 2007 Philip Brassett