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Cambridge Tree Locator: Pr-Py

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Prunus sp.  (Hybrid Flowering Cherries)PAcThere is a ‘Accolade’ on Lammas Land S of the tennis courts; there are many Seagull Cherries (‘Umineko’) outside Selwyn College and the Selwyn Diamond in Grange Road [map]
Prunus avium  (Wild Cherry)WC DVery common in gardens and elsewhere; e.g. one S of the bowling green on Lammas Land, which also has a large number of Double Geans (‘Plena’) near the SW corner; there are also some larger Double Geans by the S boundary of Mill Road Cemetery
Prunus cerasifera  (Myrobalan Plum)MP PP PN MHThere is a type tree on Christ's Pieces behind Drummer Street Bus Station, and two in St Botolphs Churchyard bordering Botolph Street [map]; far more common are Pissard's Plum (‘Pissardii’) (and the very similar ‘Nigra’) with several trees on Lammas Land and a couple on the N bank of the Cam across from Jesus Green; Lammas Land also has some ‘Hessei’ around the tennis courts
Prunus dulcis  (Almond)AlmA few small trees on streets, etc, e.g. behind St Clements in the City Centre
Prunus laurocerasus  (Cherry Laurel)LaUbiquitous as a hedge, but also seen as a tree, e.g. along the W side of Lammas Land
Prunus lusitanica  (Portuguese Laurel) Common as a hedge, sometimes as a small tree, e.g. on the W side of the bend in Harvey Goodwin Avenue [map]
Prunus maackii  (Manchurian Cherry) Four street trees on Greystoke Road in Queen Edith's [map]
Prunus padus  (Bird Cherry)BCA type tree on the bend of Queens' Road opposite the back of St Johns College [map]; there is a fine avenue of ‘Watereri’ on Jesus Green; there are a number of the ‘Colorata’ cultivar near the SW corner of Histon Road Recreation Ground [map]
Prunus sargentii  (Sargent's Cherry)SC SCFThere are type and fastigiate forms in Alexandra Gardens; there is a nice type tree at the junction of Humberstone Road with Elizabeth Way [map]
Prunus schmittii  (Schmitt's Cherry) A common and rather ugly street tree: there are two fair-sized trees outside Chamberlin Court at the N corner of the junction of Westfield Road and Benson Street [map]
Prunus serrula  (Tibetan Cherry)TCA medium-sized tree towards the S corner of Alexandra Gardens
Prunus serrulata  (Japanese Flowering Cherries)Am PK GWCA large number of cultivars, which generally have to be caught flowering to be identified reliably: the fastigiate ‘Amanogawa’ is a common garden form (there is one in Trinity Lane in the City Centre); ‘Kanzan’ is very common, e.g. in St John's grounds opposite the end of Thompson's Lane in the City Centre; there are Cheal's Weeping Cherry (‘Kiku-shidare-zakura’) on the S side of Milton Road just E of the Gilbert Road junction [map] (which have had to be pruned so much on the roadward side that they no longer weep!); there are several fine ‘Shirofugen’ and one ‘Ukon’ at the junctions of Rawlyn and Norton Close with Barnwell Road [map]; there is a superb Great White Cherry (‘Tai-Haku’) at the E corner of the bowling green in Alexandra Gardens, another by the tennis courts on Jesus Green, and several outside Selwyn College on Grange Road [map].
Prunus spinosa  (Blackthorn) Common on scrubland: there are many along Cherry Hinton Brook E of Burnside [map]
Prunus x subhirtella  (Winter Cherry) Extremely common, usually as ‘Autumnalis’, and conspicuous with its winter flowering: the three trees in St John's College grounds by Bridge Street in the City Centre marked YC are actually Winter Cherries
Pseudotsuga menziesii  (Douglas Fir) An important forestry tree in Thetford Forest; there is a specimen of the glauca form on the W side of Histon Road, near to the footpath across NIAB [map]
Pterocarya fraxinifolia  (Caucasian Wingnut)CWA medium-sized tree towards the NE corner of Christ's Pieces; several trees behind the Engineering Dept on Coe Fen. There is a huge tree/clump in the Botanic Gardens near the Bateman Street entrance
Pterocarya rehderiana  (Hybrid Wingnut)HWA magnificent tree just inside the entrance to Christ's College Master's Lodge in Hobson Street in the City Centre
Pyrus calleryana  (Callery Pear) In its fastigiate form as ‘Chanticleer’, a common street tree: there is one at the far end of Rackham Close off Histon Road [map] conveniently beside a Pillar Apple for easy comparison
Pyrus communis  (Common Pear)PeA lovely gnarled tree in the wild triangle beside Portugal Place in the City Centre
Pyrus salicifolia  (Willow-leaved Pear) A common garden tree or bush: there is a fair-sized one on the E side of Hurst Park Avenue, just N of Milton Road [map]

















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