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Cambridge Tree Locator: Sa-Se

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Salix alba  (White Willow)W SiVery common near the river, with a number of particularly fine trees on the S part of Sheep's Green; there are two Silver Willows (var.sericea) near the footbridges at the bottom end of Sheep's Green; there is a clump of Cricket-bat Willows (var.caerulea) on Stourbridge Common, just N of the footpath that crosses the railway line by footbridge [map]. Several plantations of Cricket-bat Willows are visible from the Liverpool Street train near Newport and further south past Bishop's Stortford
Salix babylonica  (Chinese Weeping Willow)CsWFairly frequent in the form of the Corkscrew Willow (var.pekinensis ‘Tortuosa’): a fine but inaccessible tree visible across the Cam from Jesus Green; a large tree on the E side of Hurst Park Avenue just N of Milton Road [map]
Salix capraea  (Goat Willow)GWA number of small trees e.g. on Lammas Land
Salix cinerea  (Grey Sallow)GSA couple of trees behind the swimming pool on Sheep's Green
Salix fragilis  (Crack Willow)CCommon near the river, with many on the north part of Sheep's Green, including some large trees
Salix x pendulina  (Thurlow Weeping Willow)ThFive similar trees, two each on the north and south parts of Sheep's Green and one on Lammas Land, appear to be this hybrid and were probably planted at the time Fen Causeway was built
Salix pentandra  (Bay Willow) Several by the pond at the S end of Cherry Hinton High Street [map]
Salix purpurea  (Purple Osier)POSome small rather bushy examples S of the swimming pool on Sheep's Green
Salix x sepulcralis  (Weeping Willow)WeVery common by the river and elsewhere, with fine examples along the N bank of the Cam opposite Jesus Green and around the Mill Pond on Sheep's Green
Salix viminalis  (Common Osier)OsA fairly large tree N of the swimming pool on Sheep's Green; several beside the river on Midsummer Common
Sambucus nigra  (Elder)ECommon everywhere, e.g. at the S end of Sheep's Green
Sequoia sempervirens  (Coast Redwood) Two trees on Barton Road, one at the SE corner of the junction with Millington Road [map], one on the N side 50m E of Grange Road [map]; a largely hidden specimen in Trinity College grounds behind the ditch near the NE side of the junction of Queens' Road and Burrell's Walk [map]
Sequoiadendron giganteum  (Giant Sequoia)GRAn essential ornament in the grounds of large detached Victorian properties, common particularly in West Cambridge: a young tree near the centre of Lammas Land; a fine tree at the end of Ridley Hall Road [map]; several trees at the entrance to Anglian Water in the old section of Milton Road [map]. As well as many type trees, the Botanic Gardens has an example of the weird ‘Pendulum’ (S of the glasshouses)

















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