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Cambridge Tree Locator: L

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Laburnum anagyroides  (Common Laburnum) Hard to differentiate from Voss's Laburnum when not in flower: some old street trees in Spalding Way [map] are probably Common Laburnum
Laburnum x watereri  (Voss's Laburnum) Inside Magdalen College grounds behind the wall along the S side of Chesterton Lane [map]
Larix decidua  (European Larch) One on the E side of Highworth Avenue near the Elizabeth Way roundabout [map]
Larix kaempferi  (Japanese Larch) Two on the inside of the bend in Mount Pleasant [map]
Laurus nobilis  (Bay) There is a fair-sized tree on the E side of St Andrew's Street just south of Emmanuel College [map]
Liquidambar styraciflua  (Sweet Gum)SGA small tree towards the SE corner of Lammas Land; a tree on the SE corner of the junction of De Freville Avenue and Humberstone Road [map]
Liriodendron tulipifera  (Tulip Tree)TT TAA very small type tree on Christ's Pieces next to Emmanuel Road; a large tree in the middle of the Sidgwick Site [map]; a fine ‘Aureomarginatum’ at the back of Gonville and Caius in the City Centre; a small ‘Fastigiatum’ on the S side of Milton Road just W of the junction with Green End Road [map]

















Copyright © 2007 Philip Brassett