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Play All)Procedural texts: Making Tangsa Crisped Rice Cakes

7.3: Making Tangsa Crisped Rice Cakes

Peng Shicui, Tasha Rural Township, Longshan County
recorded on 30 January 2003

01 qie1hhe1 ha3, da1mi1ji1 lie3 ha3, da1mi1ji1 lie3 ha3-lie3 le la2 dong2 ce1, ce1-lie3 le, ai1lie1 you2, you2 xie3qi3 lie3 la2 dong2 ge2,
You thresh the glutinous rice with a threshing machine. After threshing it with a threshing machine, use a mill to remove the chaff. After removing the chaff, then use a sieve to separate it.
02 la2 dong2 ge2-lie3 le you2 pi3-sang1, xie3qi3 cu3ga3la2-nie3 ai1di1 jiu1, ai1 huo3lie3 jiu1, tu3zi3 lie3 jiu1 sang1mi1 ri1-duo3 la.
After separating it, the surface, the coarsest stuff left in the sieve, use those grains, use the largest grains to make 'tangsa' crisped rice cakes.
03 eng, ai1 huo3lie3 ri1-bo3-xi2 ze3-nie1 hang, leng3kuo3 leng3kuo3, ai1 zu2-bo3-xi2 ya2 ca2-nie1.
Hmm, it's best to use those grains, the large ones, the large ones, they come out [after frying] best.
04 ai1lie1 le, ai1lie1 you2 wo1-lie3 me tong4. wo1-lie3 me, you2 lian1 dao2 wo1, lian1 dao2 wo1-lie3 you2 tong4, ai1lie1 la2 pe1 bu4.
Next, next, wash the rice and steam it. After washing it, wash it again twice; after washing it twice again, steam it. After washing, then soak it overnight.
05 la2 pe1 bu4-lie3 le, di2ai2 zao4gu1die1 jiu1, ai1lie1 lao3ci3, lai4 da4ze3, ni2, lao3ci3-da2 me zao4gu1die1 wo1-duo3, lao3 me2 ba4-bo3 wo1-lie3 me jiu1, ni2 geng1dao1 leng3si3 tong4.
After soaking overnight, the next morning, if it isn't sunny like today, you, if it's not sunny you must wash it that morning, if it's sunny you wash it and then steam it straight away without soaking.
06 yi2 guo2 dui2si3 (null)-lie3 jiu1, tong4-lie3 jiu1 a1jie1-liao3, jiu1 gang1kuai2 ri1, ga4 hhi3 da4ha3,
After soaking for some time, then steam it. When it's cooked, then a few of you together, quickly make the cakes.
07 ai1lie1 jiu1 ri1-ji2-liao3 me jiu1, lang3lang2-bo3 me jiu1, ni2 guan1-ta1-duo3, ang ni2 ai1, ai1lie1 jiu1 me, ni2 jiu1 ga3-liao3 me huan4-duo3-hu3 jiu1 la2 dong2 huan4,
When you've finished making them, let them dry in the sun, you can just leave them out. Then when they are dry, turn them over, turn them over.
08 huan4-liao3 me, lei4 da4ze3 huan4-ti2 me lao2zi1 da4ze3 huan4 ang, lao2zi1 da4ze3 huan4-liao3 me jiu1, jiu1, lang3qi1-cai3 me jiu1 sou1-duo3-hu3 ang.
When you've turned them over, if it's like today you can't turn them, turn them tomorrow instead, if it's like tomorrow you can turn them, then in the evening you can bring them in.
09 ai1 guo2 lang3qi1-cai3 me, guo2 cu4-bo3 jian1si3-duo3-hu3, eng1di1 qie4 kang3ku1 be2, lao3ci3-ku1 lang3lang2-bo3 me, ni2 gai2 da4ze3 la3ye2 [lang3lang2],
So in the evening, you bring them in and store them. Here in the mountains, you can dry them during the day in a sunny place, but you can't leave them out in the evening,
10 wo4ta3 you2 luo4die1 geng2jia1 ai1di1. mao3tang1zi1 lie3 duo3 ai1di1, ai1di1 ba2dang1 lie3, ai1di1 wo4ta3-lie1 du3-bo3-duo3,
as there are a lot of people around [because they may steal it]. You must use a blanket, a bedsheet, to cover them outside.
11 du3-lie3 le la2 pe1 nie1 pe1-lie3 jiu1, du3-lie3 jiu1 cu1 jian1si3-duo3-hu3, jian1si3-lie3 le... mu3 qian1qian1 huo3lie3 li3-xi2 you2 si1ma3-liao3.
After covering and leaving them outside for a night or two, then bring them in and store them in the house. After storing them, ... I forgot to say that you should use wooden hoops to make it.
12 ai1lie1 jiu1 you2 gai2 ga4 nie1 da4ze3 qi3-nie3-xi2, gai2 ga4 nie1 da4ze3 qi3-lie3 le, ni2 ai1, ni2 jiu1 se3si2, se3si2 lao4 le, lao4-lie3 jiu1, guo2 jiu1 se3si2 pe4-duo3 la,
Then just like what we have been doing here these past few days, you fry them, fry them just like these past few days, you need to use [hot] boiled oil, boiled oil, the oil must be boiling hot.
13 pe4-lie3 le, you2 sang1mi1, sang1mi1 gang1kuai2 jiu1 ai1 tu1 la2, sang1mi1 la2-lie3, guo2duo3 sao3 die3 zu2-di2-hu3,
When it's boiling, put a raw 'tangsa' cake in straight away, put the raw 'tangsa' in, and it will float up to the surface by itself.
14 sao3 die3 zu2-liao3 le, ai1lie1 jiu1 ni2 eng1di1 lao1su1 huo3lie3, lao1su1 huo3lie3 zuan2-duo3, zuan2-lie3, guo2duo3 ai1lie1, ai1lie1 wan3qian3, guo2duo3 zu2-ji2-diu2 hang,
When it's done, then use this strainer, use this strainer, you must stir it, stir it, then it will be done, it will float up by itself.
15 zu2-ji2-liao3 le, ai1lie1 ni2 jiu1 lao1su1 huo3lie3 lu1, lu1-lie3 le, you2 ai1, ai1lie1 you2 a1jie1-bo3-xi2, zu2-bo3-xi2 me you2 lu1-lie3 me jiu1, ai1lie1 you2, you2 a1hong1 zi3ga3, you2 ai1 ta2ku1 wo2tu1 la2, la2-lie3 guo2 you2 sao3 die3 zu2-diu2,
When it has floated up, then you use the strainer to drain it. After draining it, then the cake that's cooked, that's floated up, you drain it and then put another raw 'tangsa' cake into the wok. You put it in, it fries and floats up.
16 ai1lie1 jiu1 guo2 jiu1 sang1mi1 zi2-liao3, ai1lie1 jiu1 ga2-duo3-hu3, hang2nie3. ai1lie1 qi3-ji2-liao3. ai1mo3 se3si2 lao4-duo3 mang, lao4-lie3 jiu1, guo2 jiu1 sa3 die3 zu2-diu2 mang.
Now it has become 'tangsa', and then you can eat it, it's like this, then it's completely cooked. So you must use old [boiling] oil, old, so that it floats up when it's done.






Copyright (C) 2004 Philip & Cecilia Brassett